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Leadership and Empowerment at the Rising Festival with Dr Soraya Jones

Sep 12, 2024

 The Rising Festival 2024 is right around the corner, and it promises to be an unforgettable event. Scheduled for September 21st in the beautiful city of Cambridge, the festival brings together a diverse community of leaders and changemakers to celebrate and empower women in leadership. Through inspiring talks, workshops, and networking opportunities, the event aims to drive meaningful conversations around gender equality, personal growth, and leadership.

To give you a glimpse behind the scenes, we’re featuring Dr. Soraya Jones, one of the passionate individuals who make up the Rising Festival Steering Committee. Dr. Jones is a remarkable leader whose personal and professional journey is nothing short of inspiring. In this exclusive Q&A, she shares her insights on leadership, resilience, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in today’s world. Her story is a powerful testament to why the Rising Festival exists: to uplift, inspire, and empower.

Read on to hear directly from Dr. Soraya Jones as she shares her experiences and thoughts on leadership, self-care, and creating a lasting impact.

The Rising Festival Steering Committee Q&A: Meet Dr. Soraya Jones

  1. What inspired you to join the Rising Festival Steering Committee?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    I have always championed diversity in all aspects of life, but advocating for women in leadership and supporting their growth is particularly close to my heart. I know the Rising Network shares these values as well.

  2. Can you share a personal or professional achievement that you are particularly proud of?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    A personal achievement of mine is surviving breast cancer and continuing life as normal; it makes me more committed than ever to doing good in this world. An illness often prompts reflection on the legacy we wish to leave behind.

    Professionally, one of my proudest accomplishments was serving as the CEO of Cambridge Wireless. I grew it from a mere startup into one of Europe’s premier tech clusters over eight years. Our membership spanned from small, innovative startups to large multinationals like ARM, Google, and Amazon. This success was particularly significant, given the male-dominated nature of the tech community at the time.

  1. What advice would you give to women who aspire to leadership roles in their careers?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    • Be courageous and don’t let fear or impostor syndrome get in the way.
    • Seek good mentors who can advise and support you.
    • Share your ambitions with the world. We women often don’t shout enough about our dreams and aspirations!

  2. How do you prioritize self-care and well-being in your busy schedule?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    • Allocate time to reflect and meditate, no matter how busy you are.
    • Admire nature.

  3. Is there a book, podcast, or resource that has had a significant impact on your personal or professional development?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    Stephen R. Covey, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
    SOAR by Lord Simon Woolley
    Stephen M. Covey, “The Speed of Trust”

  4. What motivates you to support gender equality and empowerment in the workplace?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    • Growing up in a male-dominated culture, with an uneducated mother who advised me from a young age that education was the only way "out," shaped my own background and experiences.
    • I can't tolerate injustice, especially regarding equity and the gender pay gap. I firmly believe everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves!

  5. Can you share a memorable experience from past Rising Festivals that left a lasting impression on you?
    Dr. Soraya Jones:
    • When I was a speaker in the session "Learning from Failures" two years ago, I felt absolutely inspired by the stories I heard from my fellow panellists. I felt humbled by their stories and they encouraged me to be more resilient in life.
    • Jaspreet Kaur and her charismatic reading of her poems were truly inspirational.

Why You Should Attend the Rising Festival 2024

The Rising Festival 2024 is more than just an event—it's a movement. It's a place where women come together to share their stories, learn from each other, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in leadership and personal growth. With speakers like Dr. Soraya Jones and many other incredible thought leaders, you will leave the festival feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to make a difference.

If you’re passionate about gender equality, leadership, and creating a more inclusive world, the Rising Festival is the place to be. Don't miss your chance to be part of this incredible experience on September 21st, 2024 in Cambridge.

Tickets are available now! Secure your spot today and join a community dedicated to driving positive change. Book HERE registration closes on Friday 20 at midday - don't miss out and we cannot wait to see you there. 

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